Michael from Australia, Emmet from Ireland and Heewon from Great Britain were this year`s English native teachers at our school, the Informatikmittelschule Stockerau, from January 20th to January 24th.
This time 39 participants from the 4a and 4bi joined the program. They were taught in groups of 13 pupils and there was just “no escape” – six lessons of English every day, even during the breaks the young students could practice their English as the English teachers did not (or didn`t want to) speak any German.
All the students were really enthusiastic about the English native speakers’ Program, about the topics (holiday, travel, culture, health, fitness) as well as the easy-going approach towards the English language. Of course, the teachers of the Informatikmittelschule also supported the English teachers and especially the Austrian students. There was no need for any translating, because the 8th graders (4a and 4bi) can speak English fluently by now.
Einen ähnlichen Bericht in deutscher Sprache zum Thema „Native Speaker“ finden Sie in der Kategorie Englisch/ Native speaker Woche Jänner 2019.